Tuesday, September 16, 2008

so much to say... so little time....

we made it through the hurricane.

we're not in Houston anymore for the time being and should be back soon (unfortunately).

we still have no power as of Friday night (the night of my last blog) and don't know when it will be back on.

there's so much to say about this whole situation, but i don't have time or internet resources to put it all down at the moment...

to sum it all up; Hurricane Ike SUCKED.

pics and story to come later.......

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Calm Before the Storm

Waiting for the storm to come is not too bad. The weather is actually nice outside; slight breeze, sunny. I guess this is what they call the 'calm before the storm.' I had to go back to Kroger to get a few more grocery items. They were open which was cool and there was a lot of people there shopping which put my mind at ease that we are def not the only ones who have stayed behind. My mom called this morning a tad freaked out that we didn't evacuate, but the city has told our county to 'shelter in place.' I would think that if we needed to evacuate, then they would've told us to do so.

When Hurricane Rita came, it was just a nightmare since everyone tried to leave all at the same time. Since then, the city has come up with a good evacuation plan and so far it seems to be working. The higheways are pretty clear, so if we do still decide to leave, we won't have a repeat of our horrific trip to Austin during Rita.

What we are expecting is a lot of rain and wind. It's just going to be a very bad storm tonight in to tomorrow morning. We do plan on losing power, but not for too long. We do hope that our neighbors trees don't cause damage to our house. Luckily we managed to park both cars in the garage last night, so we feel those are safe from harm. We don't have any rooms without windows, however, so if it gets too crazy, we plan to close all of our bedroom doors and stay in our hallway or just go to the garage. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.....

Now we just wait.................................

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hurricane Ike

UGH another hurricane!!!

I never imagined living in Houston would be a constant battle with hurricanes. We first moved here in 2001 and had hurricane Allison (I believe that was the name). That was a HORRIBLE experience. We had ended up going out that night and ended up getting stuck on 610 all night long. Peeing in a Waterburger cup was no fun, but at least we HAD that cup or else we would've had to squat on the highway with everyone watching.

When Rita came, we did evacuate to Austin and it took us 10 long hours to get there. We had to deal with a screaming, barking dog (Dexter) for 8 of those hours SOLID and he puked like 3 times. It was SOOOO bad!!!!!!!! That evacuation was one of the worst experiences of my entire life and I do NOT want to go through that ever again!

So, today Ike is on it's way and it looks like it's coming straight for us. I had to brave the crowd at Kroger to get some food and water. I managed to get almost everything I needed except size D batteries for our flashlight and some ice for our cooler in case the power goes out (to store our refrigerated items). Chris said he will try to find some when he gets off of work. Trying to get gas is a JOKE. I couldn't even pull in to the parking lot at the gas station.

We don't plan to evacuate. I'm hoping this is the right decision............We're pretty centralized but more on the southwest side and yes, we are in a flood zone. We used to not be in a flood zone, but were recently added to it, so that's a bit worrying PLUS our neighbor has some crazy big trees that can possibly cause some major damage to our house.

Please, please, please keep us in your thoughts whoever you may be!!! Cross your fingers that Ike isn't bad!!


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

never complete

just when you think you're complete..... you're not.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Thank you Pappasito's lady!

Yesterday I sent Chris out to buy a pint of rice and beans from Pappasito's to go with the enchiladas I had made. The lady ended up just giving them to Chris at no charge! Why? I guess just to be nice.

Thanks you Pappasito's lady!!