Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
The Duchess
Chris and I went on a 'date' last Thursday and saw the movie called, 'The Duchess' starring Keira Knightley and Ralph Fiennes.
I had been wanting to watch it for some time now and had heard that the costuming was really good so I managed to get Chris to go with me. :)
Overall, this movie was top notch. The cinematography was really good I thought. But, the costuming definitely took the prize as did the overall screenplay. It was absolutely amazing to see the beautiful outfits they wore. They did a great job on that. The hair and makeup both were stunning as well.
I wasn't familiar with Georgiana's (the Duchess of Devonshire) story at all and I couldn't believe that someone lived through what she did. The movie was very hard to watch in some points. It made you sick to see some of what she went through and angry at the same time. It was just heart wrenching to see how Georgiana's life was led unbeknowst in her innocence. Ralph Fiennes did an excellent job of playing a horrible, terrible husband to Keira's beautiful, naive woman. Every man should see this movie to see how not to treat his wife. heh
Anyway, this is definitely a must see for anyone who likes a good, well costumed period piece. Honestly, I went to see it because Keira led the film and she is one of today's most beautiful woman imho. I know it's a good movie when Chris and I are still talking about it in the car on our way home. He really enjoyed it as well.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
it's been forever since i've posted and that may be due to the fact that my internet was down for a whole week (god forbid i have no internet, but if you're used to having it, it sux when it's down).
but, alas, i have it back and can now post more blogs, but i just don't have too much to talk about!
i need to go do some Wii Fit now.
Time for hula hooping!
And in case you live under a rock and have never seen 'Why Every Guy Should Buy Their GF Wii Fit':
it's been forever since i've posted and that may be due to the fact that my internet was down for a whole week (god forbid i have no internet, but if you're used to having it, it sux when it's down).
but, alas, i have it back and can now post more blogs, but i just don't have too much to talk about!
i need to go do some Wii Fit now.
Time for hula hooping!
And in case you live under a rock and have never seen 'Why Every Guy Should Buy Their GF Wii Fit':
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
our economy
it feels like the beginning of the end.
where is the light at the end of the tunnel?
where is the greener grass on the other side?
where is the knight in shining armor?
this certainly is no fairytale because i don't
see us having a happily ever after...
where is the light at the end of the tunnel?
where is the greener grass on the other side?
where is the knight in shining armor?
this certainly is no fairytale because i don't
see us having a happily ever after...
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
so much to say... so little time....
we made it through the hurricane.
we're not in Houston anymore for the time being and should be back soon (unfortunately).
we still have no power as of Friday night (the night of my last blog) and don't know when it will be back on.
there's so much to say about this whole situation, but i don't have time or internet resources to put it all down at the moment...
to sum it all up; Hurricane Ike SUCKED.
pics and story to come later.......
we're not in Houston anymore for the time being and should be back soon (unfortunately).
we still have no power as of Friday night (the night of my last blog) and don't know when it will be back on.
there's so much to say about this whole situation, but i don't have time or internet resources to put it all down at the moment...
to sum it all up; Hurricane Ike SUCKED.
pics and story to come later.......
Friday, September 12, 2008
The Calm Before the Storm
Waiting for the storm to come is not too bad. The weather is actually nice outside; slight breeze, sunny. I guess this is what they call the 'calm before the storm.' I had to go back to Kroger to get a few more grocery items. They were open which was cool and there was a lot of people there shopping which put my mind at ease that we are def not the only ones who have stayed behind. My mom called this morning a tad freaked out that we didn't evacuate, but the city has told our county to 'shelter in place.' I would think that if we needed to evacuate, then they would've told us to do so.
When Hurricane Rita came, it was just a nightmare since everyone tried to leave all at the same time. Since then, the city has come up with a good evacuation plan and so far it seems to be working. The higheways are pretty clear, so if we do still decide to leave, we won't have a repeat of our horrific trip to Austin during Rita.
What we are expecting is a lot of rain and wind. It's just going to be a very bad storm tonight in to tomorrow morning. We do plan on losing power, but not for too long. We do hope that our neighbors trees don't cause damage to our house. Luckily we managed to park both cars in the garage last night, so we feel those are safe from harm. We don't have any rooms without windows, however, so if it gets too crazy, we plan to close all of our bedroom doors and stay in our hallway or just go to the garage. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.....
Now we just wait.................................
When Hurricane Rita came, it was just a nightmare since everyone tried to leave all at the same time. Since then, the city has come up with a good evacuation plan and so far it seems to be working. The higheways are pretty clear, so if we do still decide to leave, we won't have a repeat of our horrific trip to Austin during Rita.
What we are expecting is a lot of rain and wind. It's just going to be a very bad storm tonight in to tomorrow morning. We do plan on losing power, but not for too long. We do hope that our neighbors trees don't cause damage to our house. Luckily we managed to park both cars in the garage last night, so we feel those are safe from harm. We don't have any rooms without windows, however, so if it gets too crazy, we plan to close all of our bedroom doors and stay in our hallway or just go to the garage. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.....
Now we just wait.................................
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Hurricane Ike
UGH another hurricane!!!
I never imagined living in Houston would be a constant battle with hurricanes. We first moved here in 2001 and had hurricane Allison (I believe that was the name). That was a HORRIBLE experience. We had ended up going out that night and ended up getting stuck on 610 all night long. Peeing in a Waterburger cup was no fun, but at least we HAD that cup or else we would've had to squat on the highway with everyone watching.
When Rita came, we did evacuate to Austin and it took us 10 long hours to get there. We had to deal with a screaming, barking dog (Dexter) for 8 of those hours SOLID and he puked like 3 times. It was SOOOO bad!!!!!!!! That evacuation was one of the worst experiences of my entire life and I do NOT want to go through that ever again!
So, today Ike is on it's way and it looks like it's coming straight for us. I had to brave the crowd at Kroger to get some food and water. I managed to get almost everything I needed except size D batteries for our flashlight and some ice for our cooler in case the power goes out (to store our refrigerated items). Chris said he will try to find some when he gets off of work. Trying to get gas is a JOKE. I couldn't even pull in to the parking lot at the gas station.
We don't plan to evacuate. I'm hoping this is the right decision............We're pretty centralized but more on the southwest side and yes, we are in a flood zone. We used to not be in a flood zone, but were recently added to it, so that's a bit worrying PLUS our neighbor has some crazy big trees that can possibly cause some major damage to our house.
Please, please, please keep us in your thoughts whoever you may be!!! Cross your fingers that Ike isn't bad!!
I never imagined living in Houston would be a constant battle with hurricanes. We first moved here in 2001 and had hurricane Allison (I believe that was the name). That was a HORRIBLE experience. We had ended up going out that night and ended up getting stuck on 610 all night long. Peeing in a Waterburger cup was no fun, but at least we HAD that cup or else we would've had to squat on the highway with everyone watching.
When Rita came, we did evacuate to Austin and it took us 10 long hours to get there. We had to deal with a screaming, barking dog (Dexter) for 8 of those hours SOLID and he puked like 3 times. It was SOOOO bad!!!!!!!! That evacuation was one of the worst experiences of my entire life and I do NOT want to go through that ever again!
So, today Ike is on it's way and it looks like it's coming straight for us. I had to brave the crowd at Kroger to get some food and water. I managed to get almost everything I needed except size D batteries for our flashlight and some ice for our cooler in case the power goes out (to store our refrigerated items). Chris said he will try to find some when he gets off of work. Trying to get gas is a JOKE. I couldn't even pull in to the parking lot at the gas station.
We don't plan to evacuate. I'm hoping this is the right decision............We're pretty centralized but more on the southwest side and yes, we are in a flood zone. We used to not be in a flood zone, but were recently added to it, so that's a bit worrying PLUS our neighbor has some crazy big trees that can possibly cause some major damage to our house.
Please, please, please keep us in your thoughts whoever you may be!!! Cross your fingers that Ike isn't bad!!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
Thank you Pappasito's lady!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
save me
imagine a big nail stuck in your skull...
my job feels like me hitting that nail over and over again with a small mallet just enough to cause pain but not enough to kill.
it would cause too much pain to pull it out, even though i know i'd be better off if it wasn't there, so i just leave it alone and just deal with it.
yeah, i am miserable.
at least i don't have to deal with anything like this tho:
my job feels like me hitting that nail over and over again with a small mallet just enough to cause pain but not enough to kill.
it would cause too much pain to pull it out, even though i know i'd be better off if it wasn't there, so i just leave it alone and just deal with it.
yeah, i am miserable.
at least i don't have to deal with anything like this tho:

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Thursday Aug 14th - random blog
so today was just a regular 'ol day... not much to say really.
Chris left to go fishing for three and a half days. I can honestly say I don't like when he leaves. :(
Denah and I went to her school orientation and met all of her new teachers and got her bus schedule. I can't believe the summer has just flown by..... What's crazy is she is actually looking forward to school! I haven't met any kids recently that actually look forward to school, so I find this trait of Denah's to be quite intriguing. She never ceases to amaze me....
I look at my Maui blogs and just yearn to go back. After we left Maui, Chris and I both just felt different. I can't really explain it. I think we both know that there are bigger and better places to see and visit and even possibly live in besides Houston. I mean, yeah, everyone knows this already, but until you actually go somewhere else and see/feel it for yourself, you never really know what you've been missing, know what I mean??? I think California calls for us............ one day.................... one day............................................
until next time........
so today was just a regular 'ol day... not much to say really.
Chris left to go fishing for three and a half days. I can honestly say I don't like when he leaves. :(
Denah and I went to her school orientation and met all of her new teachers and got her bus schedule. I can't believe the summer has just flown by..... What's crazy is she is actually looking forward to school! I haven't met any kids recently that actually look forward to school, so I find this trait of Denah's to be quite intriguing. She never ceases to amaze me....
I look at my Maui blogs and just yearn to go back. After we left Maui, Chris and I both just felt different. I can't really explain it. I think we both know that there are bigger and better places to see and visit and even possibly live in besides Houston. I mean, yeah, everyone knows this already, but until you actually go somewhere else and see/feel it for yourself, you never really know what you've been missing, know what I mean??? I think California calls for us............ one day.................... one day............................................
until next time........
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Maui Day 8
Maui Day 8
Monday July 28th
Our last day.....We didn't have any plans, so we just shopped in Lahaina Town again. We decided to eat at 'No Ka Oi Deli' one last time.

There was a guy on Front St. that hand carves tikis and turtles out of wood. He also hand carves your name in to the wood so it's personalized. That was very cool to watch. And it's in cursive! Here are a few pics of him carving in Denah's turtle and our tiki:

We also relaxed at our hotel and watched the ducks and flamingos there.

We did go back to Whaler's Village again to do a little bit more shopping and to kill some time before we headed back to the airport.
We didn't have too much trouble with Dollar rent a car when we turned our car in and in fact we did end up getting the Westin to agree to pay us for the damage on the rental (albeit after a few phone calls). We should get their check soon hopefully.
Our flight home was long, uncomfortable, and did I mention long?? ;) Yeah, trying to sleep on an airplane is pretty much impossible. Not fun, but well worth it.
Overall, our trip to Maui was really fun, adventurous, scenic and just overall awesome. We enjoyed listening to the Hawaiian music while we drove around (93.5 KPOA) and just seeing all the beauty that engulfs you. The people are so nice and laid back. The vibe is so relaxed. We can't wait to go back! We both loved Maui a lot. Next time we feel we definitely have a lot more knowledge of things to do and not to do, so we'll be much better prepared. Hopefully you will get some good info from my blog if you ever decide to vacation in Maui. :)
Monday July 28th
Our last day.....We didn't have any plans, so we just shopped in Lahaina Town again. We decided to eat at 'No Ka Oi Deli' one last time.
There was a guy on Front St. that hand carves tikis and turtles out of wood. He also hand carves your name in to the wood so it's personalized. That was very cool to watch. And it's in cursive! Here are a few pics of him carving in Denah's turtle and our tiki:
We also relaxed at our hotel and watched the ducks and flamingos there.
We did go back to Whaler's Village again to do a little bit more shopping and to kill some time before we headed back to the airport.
We didn't have too much trouble with Dollar rent a car when we turned our car in and in fact we did end up getting the Westin to agree to pay us for the damage on the rental (albeit after a few phone calls). We should get their check soon hopefully.
Our flight home was long, uncomfortable, and did I mention long?? ;) Yeah, trying to sleep on an airplane is pretty much impossible. Not fun, but well worth it.
Overall, our trip to Maui was really fun, adventurous, scenic and just overall awesome. We enjoyed listening to the Hawaiian music while we drove around (93.5 KPOA) and just seeing all the beauty that engulfs you. The people are so nice and laid back. The vibe is so relaxed. We can't wait to go back! We both loved Maui a lot. Next time we feel we definitely have a lot more knowledge of things to do and not to do, so we'll be much better prepared. Hopefully you will get some good info from my blog if you ever decide to vacation in Maui. :)
Maui Day 7
Maui Day 7
Sunday July 27th
Today we went back to our favorite street (Front St.) in Lahaina Town to shop and get some lunch. We ate at a place called 'Cheeseburger in Paradise.' The burgers here were good and a bit messy. The tables were set really close to one another and the prices are on the high side but aren't too bad. We got to sit overlooking the ocean, which was nice. After lunch we did more shopping (yay!).

Later on that evening, we went on a sunset dinner cruise set up through the Pacific Whale Foundation (which you should google too since they are a really great organization). We ended up getting seated in a really great spot right in the front of the boat. We had a great dinner (steak, chicken, etc.) and saw a very beautiful sunset. A few dolphins made an appearance and we also saw some strange long fish thing that skimmed across the water. I don't know if it was a fish or eel or what, but it was weird and something we'd never seen before. And it made a weird noise too. Very strange.

After dinner, we shopped a little again in Lahaina and just spent more time in the pool and jacuzzi. It was cool meeting the other traveler's at our hotel....
Sunday July 27th
Today we went back to our favorite street (Front St.) in Lahaina Town to shop and get some lunch. We ate at a place called 'Cheeseburger in Paradise.' The burgers here were good and a bit messy. The tables were set really close to one another and the prices are on the high side but aren't too bad. We got to sit overlooking the ocean, which was nice. After lunch we did more shopping (yay!).
Later on that evening, we went on a sunset dinner cruise set up through the Pacific Whale Foundation (which you should google too since they are a really great organization). We ended up getting seated in a really great spot right in the front of the boat. We had a great dinner (steak, chicken, etc.) and saw a very beautiful sunset. A few dolphins made an appearance and we also saw some strange long fish thing that skimmed across the water. I don't know if it was a fish or eel or what, but it was weird and something we'd never seen before. And it made a weird noise too. Very strange.
After dinner, we shopped a little again in Lahaina and just spent more time in the pool and jacuzzi. It was cool meeting the other traveler's at our hotel....
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Maui Day 6
Maui Day 6
Saturday July 26th
We didn't have too many plans today, so we hung out at the hotel for a bit and saw some cool parrots. We then went to Whaler's Village and rented some snorkel gear.

Our tour guide had told us about a cool place to snorkel called Slaughterhouse which was next to a bay called Honolua Bay. We drove to Honolua Bay looking for Slaughterhouse, but were never able to find it, so we just stayed at Honolua Bay to snorkel. It was not very crowded at all and I was finally able to snorkel in some calm water. I found it a lot easier to snorkel coming in from the beach. Chris and I swam out pretty far and saw a lot of really cool fish and coral. I actually liked snorkeling after this little adventure.

Later that evening, we got all jazzed up to go to a Luau at the Royal Lahaina Resort, which was only a few minutes up the road from us. I got to wear my hand painted sarong and Chris got to wear one of his Hawaiian shirts. There was about 300 people there or so and it was obvious that the Royal Lahaina people were very used to putting on these Luaus as they were very organized and professional. Overall, it was really great food and fun. We got served buffet style and they had plenty of food for everyone (i.e. turkey, beef, chicken, pork cooked underground in ti leaves, mahi mahi, and much more). There were free drinks all night and they put on a really great show, which they allowed you to videotape. Very fun luau and highly recommended. I actually got on stage and learned a little hula too. heh

When we got back to the hotel, we walked along the sidewalk overlooking the beach. Maui really shuts down after 9pm. There is hardly anyone out at night. We found ourselves a little hammock and ended up snoozing for a little while out there by the beach. Very relaxing.....
Saturday July 26th
We didn't have too many plans today, so we hung out at the hotel for a bit and saw some cool parrots. We then went to Whaler's Village and rented some snorkel gear.
Our tour guide had told us about a cool place to snorkel called Slaughterhouse which was next to a bay called Honolua Bay. We drove to Honolua Bay looking for Slaughterhouse, but were never able to find it, so we just stayed at Honolua Bay to snorkel. It was not very crowded at all and I was finally able to snorkel in some calm water. I found it a lot easier to snorkel coming in from the beach. Chris and I swam out pretty far and saw a lot of really cool fish and coral. I actually liked snorkeling after this little adventure.
Later that evening, we got all jazzed up to go to a Luau at the Royal Lahaina Resort, which was only a few minutes up the road from us. I got to wear my hand painted sarong and Chris got to wear one of his Hawaiian shirts. There was about 300 people there or so and it was obvious that the Royal Lahaina people were very used to putting on these Luaus as they were very organized and professional. Overall, it was really great food and fun. We got served buffet style and they had plenty of food for everyone (i.e. turkey, beef, chicken, pork cooked underground in ti leaves, mahi mahi, and much more). There were free drinks all night and they put on a really great show, which they allowed you to videotape. Very fun luau and highly recommended. I actually got on stage and learned a little hula too. heh
When we got back to the hotel, we walked along the sidewalk overlooking the beach. Maui really shuts down after 9pm. There is hardly anyone out at night. We found ourselves a little hammock and ended up snoozing for a little while out there by the beach. Very relaxing.....
Maui Day 5
Maui Day 5
Friday July 25th
We both had been looking forward to Friday big time. We had to drive an hour back to the airport in Kahului. We had to go to the heliport to catch our helicopter ride. We signed up for a helicopter ride that was to take us over the Haleakala Volcano and the town of Hana. From Hana, we were having lunch served and then taking a tour back to Kahului from Hana in a limo van. This was definitely our splurge of the trip. It was only Chris and myself as well as a small family of 4 (along with our tour guide). Overall, it was nice and intimate.

The helicopter ride was nothing short of awesome. At one point, it was just so beautiful it made me cry. Very emotional to be seeing so much beauty all at once like that.

The lunch was nice (teriyaki chicken, mahi mahi and more) and we were served in a park in Hana called Wai'anapanapa State Park (check out images of this state park on Google). The views here were stunning and majestic. It's hard to put in to words just how beautiful this place was. I told Chris our pictures aren't going to do this place any justice. But, anyway, at this park we walked down to a black sand beach and got to swim for a few minutes. Lava rocks are not easy to walk on, let me tell you!

check out the guy on the rock!

our tour guide Sue and our lunch:

more views and also the black sand beach in the distance:

We drove from the state park through Hana and made a stop at a flower shop. They gave me a small bouquet of pink and red ginger flowers. They were so pretty.

After this stop, we stopped at a stream that we had to walk to. There was a waterfall there that Chris and a few others decided to jump off of (twice!). It was about a 20 ft drop. Pretty cool. I took video of it, so maybe you'll get to see it sometime.

We made one more stop (but I can't remember what she called this place) and then began the long trek home from Hana. It was about a 3 and a half hour drive with stunning views the whole way. The whole saying, 'I survived the Road To Hana' is a very true statement. The Road to Hana is a very small, winding (617 curves), cliff side road that has one lane on each side (one very skinny lane that is) with one way bridges and a lot of blind hairpin corners. Very scary indeed. We had thought we might drive this road ourselves, but changed our minds and are VERY glad we didn't attempt this on our own. Plus, the tour guide was very informative and knew every single plant and flower out there and their history, etc. The most scary thing that happened was one guy in an F150 was taking a bridge too fast and he clipped our tour guide's side mirror and he didn't even stop or anything. So, yeah, very scary ride. But, we made it and bought a shirt that says we survived to prove it. heh

This was a long day for us, but very rewarding. We stayed in Kahului to eat dinner. The waitress from the other night had recommended a place called 'Da Kitchen' as a fav for locals, so we tried it and boy was it great! Very good food and huge servings. We should've just shared a plate, but we wanted to try two different things. Chris ate Teriyaki Steak and I had the Katsu cutlet which was their Chicken Katsu doused in am onion mushroom gravy with white rice and Ceasar salad. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it! If we ever go back to Maui, we're definitely eating here again. The prices were decent as well.
After our long drive home, we swam and spent more time in the jacuzzi......
Friday July 25th
We both had been looking forward to Friday big time. We had to drive an hour back to the airport in Kahului. We had to go to the heliport to catch our helicopter ride. We signed up for a helicopter ride that was to take us over the Haleakala Volcano and the town of Hana. From Hana, we were having lunch served and then taking a tour back to Kahului from Hana in a limo van. This was definitely our splurge of the trip. It was only Chris and myself as well as a small family of 4 (along with our tour guide). Overall, it was nice and intimate.
The helicopter ride was nothing short of awesome. At one point, it was just so beautiful it made me cry. Very emotional to be seeing so much beauty all at once like that.
The lunch was nice (teriyaki chicken, mahi mahi and more) and we were served in a park in Hana called Wai'anapanapa State Park (check out images of this state park on Google). The views here were stunning and majestic. It's hard to put in to words just how beautiful this place was. I told Chris our pictures aren't going to do this place any justice. But, anyway, at this park we walked down to a black sand beach and got to swim for a few minutes. Lava rocks are not easy to walk on, let me tell you!
check out the guy on the rock!
our tour guide Sue and our lunch:
more views and also the black sand beach in the distance:
We drove from the state park through Hana and made a stop at a flower shop. They gave me a small bouquet of pink and red ginger flowers. They were so pretty.
After this stop, we stopped at a stream that we had to walk to. There was a waterfall there that Chris and a few others decided to jump off of (twice!). It was about a 20 ft drop. Pretty cool. I took video of it, so maybe you'll get to see it sometime.
We made one more stop (but I can't remember what she called this place) and then began the long trek home from Hana. It was about a 3 and a half hour drive with stunning views the whole way. The whole saying, 'I survived the Road To Hana' is a very true statement. The Road to Hana is a very small, winding (617 curves), cliff side road that has one lane on each side (one very skinny lane that is) with one way bridges and a lot of blind hairpin corners. Very scary indeed. We had thought we might drive this road ourselves, but changed our minds and are VERY glad we didn't attempt this on our own. Plus, the tour guide was very informative and knew every single plant and flower out there and their history, etc. The most scary thing that happened was one guy in an F150 was taking a bridge too fast and he clipped our tour guide's side mirror and he didn't even stop or anything. So, yeah, very scary ride. But, we made it and bought a shirt that says we survived to prove it. heh
This was a long day for us, but very rewarding. We stayed in Kahului to eat dinner. The waitress from the other night had recommended a place called 'Da Kitchen' as a fav for locals, so we tried it and boy was it great! Very good food and huge servings. We should've just shared a plate, but we wanted to try two different things. Chris ate Teriyaki Steak and I had the Katsu cutlet which was their Chicken Katsu doused in am onion mushroom gravy with white rice and Ceasar salad. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it! If we ever go back to Maui, we're definitely eating here again. The prices were decent as well.
After our long drive home, we swam and spent more time in the jacuzzi......
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